(The Learning Orientation – People Orientation Assessment Scale)

Every human being has a desire to learn or to grow. The desire to grow may be more conscious in some than in others, though the seeds to learn and grow have been planted in us all. We all also have a resistance to learning. This resistance comes from our ‘conditioning’. We have grown very attached to our beliefs, images, impressions and viewpoints.

There are many sources of learning available to each of us. We usually learn from various external sources, such as, books, lectures, classes, colleges, and other sources of external media. Some of us also like to learn from our experiences, and a few of us may like to learn from our relationships with others. We are very selective in choosing what we like to learn. We also resist learning in certain circumstances.

How we learn and what we learn is often an unconscious decision. The Learning Orientation (LO) – People Orientation (PO) Assessment scale seeks only to make us aware of where we currently are in our learning orientation, thereby enabling us to decide where we would like to be in the future.

All learning happens only when there is a basic acceptance of all potential sources of knowledge. Wherever we play the game of ‘inclusion and exclusion’ we will be accordingly limiting our potential sources of knowledge and learning.
